Ridiculous, when we see someone who always play video game all the time, non-stop. Video game almost make everyone addicted, especially for children and teenagers. This addiction makes unproductive, low motivation to work, lazy, and so on. Often make our eyes sick, for specific console that use high resolution screen. Even game makes children adopt everything in the game, such as the case happened in Indonesia, when most of children did the Smack Down movement, and caused several their leg and hand broke, when they played with their friends. It's danger game!
The story above tell us that as a gamer, you, yourself, or as a parent have to guide yourself, your children, make a rule to do not play Game uncontrolled. Because it will takes negative effect.
In another hand, why we have to play a game?
Do we-you know that in the game there are stories that we can get, there are ways to do something. In other word, a Game is one of how to communicate something with others, and makes input to the player about something new. A game can educate the player, A game could be the medium to tell important thing, A game may the best way to give a massage, because it delivered with joyful and relax. Even a game may give you an Inspiration to your work or develop your logic, emotion, even language.
And till today the game-maker make better better and better game and as a gamer we still have to choose the right game for us, because your game is your inspiration.
2 komentar:
I think it's really ridiculous to forbid an individual to play games in their lifes...
Hey, i am pretty sure i can be considered a gamer myself.. and yes, games can be addictive, in know that first hand.. but have you ever actually given thought that games are actually a means of communication for some, a career for others, a way to de-stress for many, a way to meet new people, or it may be as simple as being a hobby??
I've known lotsa people who makes lots of money from gaming. I've known people who knew their spouses through games...
All you need to do is educate your kid and yourself, that they do need to learn to prioritize.. that there are other things that comes before games...
Cigarette is addictive, and it kills too.. why don't you try to take out cigarette out of a person's life before you actually try to take out gaming from a person's life??
don't blame the producers or the tv station for the stupid mentality of indonesian parents who in the very first place do not know how to teach their children that WWF SMACKDOWN is not to be peformed??
do you seriously blame the cigarette producers for producing and selling cigarettes? If there weren't any demand.. there won't be any supply to begin with...
I'm 1000% sure all gamers out there share how i feel...
Waw Thank You For your Comment Ria, Im very very appreciate that. it`s was Just my other side thinking. In other Hand,,Im very LOVE games!!! I hope I can make educational game :)
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