As we know that business never die, and it will develop everyday, with new business model,strategy, promotion, style, and so on. Currently, there a lot of restaurant, mall, or even a health lab service provide Hotspot for connecting to the internet. Generally, this fenomena indicate that more people in this city have notebook or laptop. And they have intention to bring it everywhere or maybe everytime.
This situation happened because Yogyakarta itself famous with the "Student City". The place that provides the hotspot service try to catch student`s attention and give what they want. So, the students don`t have to go to the Internet (it`s a business that provide internet connection with pay Rp3000 to Rp4000, in Indonesia it called by Warung Internet or Warnet), and get the service free. This facilities attempt to attract the customer to come and get convinience in their business area.
4 komentar:
i'm very interesting with your blog.. don't give up!!
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Thank You Lucy for visiting my blog and your comment. And I entered your blog as my Link :)
Niko i've just read your blog, it is very interesting indeed, anyway there are some adjustment needed to be made so, i hope i can discuss it with you soon... cheer up, keep writing and never give up!!!!! see you Nik....
Hi Mas Diaz. Im very appreciate for your visiting and your respond. Thank You
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