Business is not as simple as we thought, in this case we talk about side business or second business that we do.
Almost everyone try to get another side business in their life, because the result, salary, of his or her core business isn't give or fulfill their needs. This phenomena force someone to be more creative and smart in searching an opportunity.
Imagine that you are working and only paid about $10 to $20 or Rp100.000 to Rp200.000. What will you get to fulfill your needs, your wife's needs, your children's needs. and else needs. Maybe you just fulfill your primary needs such as eat, drink, clothing. But as a people, as a human that life in this complex life we always not satisfy with our life condition, don't you think it's Nature.
Now, in planning our business, even it is a second business we have to pay attention seriously. Because business is business. first, we need plan to arrange what we want to do and where we want to bring our business to. Second, targeting, we have to make deadline even for our business, so we can do it professional. Third, implementation, is the most important thing of these three keys of business, what would happen if you planned and targeted your business but You Don't Implement it, you don't apply it, and you don't do it.
The idea that we can get is Don't ever underestimate a little think, even it's very simple thing.
So...Hope You Always Success In Your Life
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